Thursday, January 20, 2011


Hey guys!

Hope your year is off to a good start! I met with my figure coach and trainer Sara Hurrle this morning...this may sound odd but I am really excited to have a new goal to compete and to have someone hold me accountable! You can trust that I am going to do all of my required work outs and follow my diet to a T!!!!! When you know you will have body fat tested every two weeks and progress photos it strengthens your put it mildly! Lol!

I hope you are all working toward your goals for health and fitness! And if you have questions or need support I am ALWAYS here to help! Let's support and inspire each other to make it happen!

Sending you all good mojo!


Sunday, January 9, 2011

A New Year!

Happy New Years to all of you! The new year always makes me feel refelective yet optimistic! I always look back and see where I missed my mark and could have made better choices, and yet I am given a new year to make my dreams come true if I apply myself! My goal was to compete in April but I put on too much weight in my "off season" to make my goal attainable! My bad! See it even happens to Trainers...I have found an awesome trainer though, and she is going to hold me accountable! I am so excited to have a new goal and dream! I wish you all a great new year year! And if I can help you reach your dreams and attain your health and fitness goals that will make me happy!

Happy New Year!
