Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Congratulations to LeAnn in her figure competition!

Now shouldn't all mothers of three kids look like this? Eat your heart out Angelina!

Photo taken at Max Muscle Mile High Natural Championships

Summer Saturday's at Red Rocks!!

NO this is not a concert...Fooled you huh? LOL!

Hello fellow fitness enthusiasts! I hope you are all enjoying your summer! Although I still have my Aurora boot-camp going on at Spring Hill Park on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursdays I have added an additional one. Where can we can all get together, enjoy the weather and get as hard as a rock? No better place to do that and tighten the glutes than at Red Rocks Ampitheater! We will be meeting this Saturday June 26th at 8:00 am! We will NOT be meeting Saturday, July 3rd (4th of July weekend). We will resume the following Saturday, July 10th and continue through the end of July! I love being up at Red Rocks and it is an awesome stair-stepping work out!

I can't wait to see you all! BTW bring water and a towel.

Wooo Hooo!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Bootcamp biggest loser contest results!!!!!!

Hello all of my fitness enthusiasts!!!! Woo Hoo summer is here and bootcamp has been moved to the great outdoors! For all of you who participated in our weight loss contest...inspired by a trip to Mexico...The winner is Kevin Coursey!!!! Good Job Kevin! Although Lettie is still pissed:)

Kevin was the recipient of a twenty five dollar gift card to Target! And a HUGE shout out to my awesome Mom who donated the gift card!!!! God I LOVE Target...

I hope you are all happy and healthy!